This is to certify that col. Ahuja Realtor has been associated with us from the past 4-5 years. They are highly professional in their services et we have had no problem in dealing with them till date. They are very proficient & specialised in their services and we hope they scale new heights in their business in the years to come.
It is certified that M/s Ahuja Realtors are working for General Motors since last 2 years and we have got us very good services at Pune to the satisfaction of our employees & overseas GM guests.
This letter is issued on the request of M/s Ahuja Realtors for their official purpose.
This is to certify that we have been associated with Ahuja Realtor for providing accommodation for our expatriates. We wish to confirm that they have been very cooperative and have extended all possible support. We are satisfied by their services in providing premium accommodation and we look forward to work with them in future.